
【スイッチON 地震噴火頻発時代をどう生きるか?】

 最近の地元の事例・北海道胆振東部地震は2018年9月6日3時7分に北海道胆振地方中東部を震央として発生した地震の記憶が真新しい。地震の規模は気象庁マグニチュード(Mj)6.7、震源の深さは37 km。最大震度は、震度階級でもっとも高い震度7。震度7の観測は北海道では初めてだった。

English version⬇

How to live in the era of frequent earthquakes and eruptions?
Ehime-Kochi earthquake with a maximum intensity of 6 on the Japanese seismic scale, and a large-scale eruption of the Luang Ruang volcano in Indonesia. This is truly a period of crustal activity in the Pacific Rim. We need to always be aware of how to protect ourselves.

At 23:14 on the 17th, an earthquake with an intensity of up to 6 on the Japanese seismic scale occurred in Ehime, Kochi, and other prefectures. As the day dawns, the extent of the damage will gradually become clear, but we can only hope that the damage is minimal.
 Meanwhile, shortly after 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17, a large volcanic eruption occurred at Luang Ruang volcano in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The volcano’s plume is said to have risen to an altitude of 19,000 m. The Meteorological Agency reported that the eruption had no impact on the region. The Japan Meteorological Agency announced that there is no possibility of a tsunami or other impact from this eruption.
 The Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred just after the beginning of this year is another example of the frequent occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which are now in full swing. This may be due to the increasing activity of the earth, especially in the Pacific Rim region.
 The most important thing for housing is to be “tough” and to “protect life.
 In particular, concrete measures to protect oneself from the danger of collapsing second floors or roofs when sleeping are also required.
 A recent local example, the Hokkaido Bombshell Earthquake, is a brand new memory of the earthquake that struck at 3:07 a.m. on September 6, 2018, with its epicenter in the central-eastern part of the Bombshell region of Hokkaido. The earthquake had a JMA magnitude (Mj) of 6.7 and an epicenter depth of 37 km. the maximum intensity was 7, the highest on the seismic intensity scale. it was the first time an intensity of 7 was observed in Hokkaido.
 Even at my home in Nishi Ward, Sapporo, which was relatively far from the epicenter of the quake, I remember that for a moment I was enveloped in a psychological state of wondering if this was the end of everything. The intensity of the quake was not even 5, but I strongly felt that it was. Fortunately, there was no damage to houses, and no injuries or other human suffering occurred among the people around us. However, it took a few days for the power to be restored.
 Perhaps there is no area in the Japanese archipelago that is not dangerous.
 While praying for the safety of everyone in the wide areas hit by the earthquake, we will continue to take daily precautions and always give top priority to safety.




English version⬇

Fireplace” in sliding doors and fittings
A surprising warm-area idea. The idea of “covering” an open-type heating system. It may be an idea of a “brazier” for a sunken hearth. However, paper materials that are exposed to high temperatures are highly dangerous. However, paper material is very dangerous.

The photo shows the interior of the Nishinomiya Shibakawa Residence in the Meiji Village in Inuyama, Aichi Prefecture.
 The fusuma door of the Japanese-style tatami-mat room has been opened. The tour guide opened the door, but I did not realize what it was at first. I was told, “This is a fireplace that has been hidden in a fusuma sliding door.
 To begin with, a fusuma is a sliding door with a wooden frame covered on both sides with paper or cloth, to which a rim and pulls are attached. It is one of the fittings used to partition a Japanese-style room. It is sometimes simply called karakami.
 Among the fittings that are representative of Japanese-style “shitsurai,” a Western-style “heating system” suddenly appears. Looking closely, one can see traces of combustion, so it must have been used as a fireplace. The house is now in Inuyama, but it was built in Nishinomiya before it was relocated.
 Even though it is located in a temperate region, it is likely to miss the heat for 1-2 months a year.
 However, in the spring, summer, and fall, it is almost useless.
 Full-scale stationary heating up to the hearth is “too much work. However, I would like to benefit from a full fire at that time of the year. So, I thought that the owner enjoyed the luxury of “putting it away in the sliding doors” when not in use, and removing the sliding doors only when it was time to use it, and “watching the fire and getting warm.
 However, the materials of the sliding doors are wood and paper. The fireplace itself looked like a cast iron fireplace. The fireplace itself looked like cast metal, so it could be called a kind of “stove” heating rather than a fireplace.
 The more I looked at it, the more I felt that it was an extension of the idea of a “brazier” as opposed to a sunken hearth.
 The architect of this building is Goichi Takeda (1872-1938). A “switchboard” (named by Ryotaro Shiba) at the core of Meiji civilization, he was a graduate of the Department of Architecture of the Tokyo Imperial University of Technology, and after graduation became an assistant professor of the same university, and later became a founding member of Kyoto University and a professor of Kyoto University, with extensive experience traveling abroad. In 1934, he also served as the director of the Horyuji National Treasure Conservation Construction Office.
 This fireplace with sliding doors must have been an original idea of this architect. He must have had a lot of experience in visiting Europe and the United States, so he must have wondered how to make such a Western-style heating system “fit in” in the Kansai region.
 As a result, they must have come up with the idea of using sliding doors, cast metal, and other materials to replace the ceramic surface of a hibachi brazier.
 It is interesting, but such an idea did not develop in the history of architecture. I think it was a bit unreasonable. I feel that it was a bit unreasonable.
 However, as a Hokkaido native, it is an eye-opening idea.




English version⬇

Land preparation for a flower garden and parking lot
I have been living in the media of house and land, but this is the first time I have experienced tinkering with soil. I was exposed to the “depth” of working with plants.

After returning from the business trip, I checked the progress of the “house decluttering” project.
 I took all the large trash that had accumulated to the city’s shredding center for disposal, and then went to a special disposal center for ceramics and glass. He has become a familiar face, and when our eyes meet, he looks at me and says, “This guy always comes here, doesn’t he? Please take care of him.
 Meanwhile, the organization of the house is progressing surprisingly well, and as we had prepared in advance, we were able to have a meeting with the client for the construction yesterday.
 The main thing inside the house is basically the organizing work, but if that does not progress, the prerequisites for commissioning construction will not be created. In order to have architectural work started, a common visual confirmation that explicitly says, “This is what we are going to do here,” is a prerequisite. If there is confusion inside the house, it will result in unnecessary confusion in the imagination of the architects.
 In the future in Japan, the number of areas that deal with existing buildings will increase, and it will probably become more important for the “client side” to “prepare the house” – to put the house in order. It is a matter of coordination between daily life and architectural work.
 In this case, it is not only about the interior, but also about the preparation of the parking lot. In this case, the plan is to convert the existing “flower garden” into a parking space. In this case, the plan was to convert the existing “flower garden” into a parking space. Well, it is roughly about 10 square meters, but the rhizomes have been resisting me so much because of the years of neglect (laughs).
 I don’t have much experience in garden work, so I don’t really understand the choice of tools itself (tears). But, especially winter dead plants have “strong” roots. I found a tool like a skidaddle and started to work at random. We struggled with it, but in the middle of the work, my wife made an urgent request, saying, “Oh, I want to replant the beautiful flower buds with other plants.

 I had managed to keep up my physical strength in this kind of farming work, so I was a little confident inside. And once I started, I could feel the depth of gardening and tinkering with the soil. There is a saying, “it’s all in the sun, it’s all in the rain,” and I am struggling to control myself, thinking that I may have “turned on” a bit in this area (laughs). Laughs.




English version⬇

[Increased number of steps for public transportation use and business travel.
While carefully interacting with the decline in mobility due to aging, however, health comes first to ensure freedom. I would like to secure my physical fitness with a primary focus on sustainability and stability. ・・・・.

Until yesterday, I was on a business trip to the Kansai region for interviews. This was the climax of Saturday’s “walk count,” which was fieldwork and research for a project.
 I have been taking a walk every morning since the snow melts, and this business trip seemed to be the kick-off for this year, and I exceeded 8,000 steps every day. However, the two days during the trip were a combination of long-distance travel by car and stationary walking. The car ride was not so bad, but this Saturday’s trip was all about public transportation. All of them were by train.
 One of the sites was an open-air park-like “folk garden,” so naturally the number of steps taken increased as we walked around, but what was more important was the transportation between the public transportation systems.
 Although Hokkaido people have a wide range of mobility, they usually go to the nearest convenience store by car, and almost all of their transportation is by car. As a generation that experienced the cutting edge of motorization in the postwar era, we have lived more by car than by foot.
 Therefore, going to Tokyo or Kansai is a very “special walking experience” for me. On this day, I got off at Ryokuchi-Koen Station on the Kita-Osaka Kyuko Railway Nanboku Line from my lodging in Sakai, Osaka, and walked at least 3 km round trip from there to the destination facility, and naturally walked around inside Minka-en as well. From there, we traveled to Shin-Osaka, and from there to Sannomiya, Kobe. After attending a meeting at the destination meeting place, the next leg of the trip took us from Sannomiya to Umeda, Namba, and Sakai.
 On the first day of the trip, after returning to the hotel, I had a slight cramp-like pain in my calf the next morning, but since I had walked so far that day, I was naturally prepared for the pain to come back, but somehow the pain was completely gone.
 Of course, I had purchased the recommended “Loxonin Lotion” at the pharmacy after the pain occurred and applied it liberally, but I can only conclude that it was the suddenness of the top of the season that made the pain so strong.
 I was able to cope with the sudden increase in the number of steps I took, and I did not experience any muscle fatigue the next day. However, since it is possible that I am on a traveler’s high, I would like to be careful to avoid any “swinging back” after my return today, but I have judged myself to have secured a certain degree of freedom in my activities, even as I age.
 I would like to continue to push forward with my work and to dig deeper into themes of exploration every day. Health comes first.




English version⬇

[Ancient “human name” of Konohana-no-sakuya (木花之佐久夜).
The scene of being seen by Niniginomikoto on a Jomon beach under cherry blossoms in full bloom. It strongly appeals to the scene of the world of the original Japanese language. It grabs the eagle’s eye. The “eagle.

I am gradually becoming more and more interested in the origins of the Japanese language. Yesterday, I mentioned Mr. Motoya Nobunaga’s passion for the study of the Kojiki and the determination of his descendants to preserve it.
 It was Ryotaro Shiba’s historical explorations that led me to think about Kotoba, and it was his exploration of Natsume Soseki and what happened around him during the Meiji period that led me to look at Kotoba in a different light.
 The Meiji Revolution was a great revolution. You were strongly informed that everything in society had undergone a fundamental revolution. In the midst of the world’s “boiling” situation of the world invasion race of the Western powers that was looming in the Meiji era, only Japan, alone among the Asian world that was far asleep, was engaged in fundamental social innovation. At that time, people such as Soseki Natsume and others, who today are labeled as “great writers,” were motivated by the national will to create a “common language of Japan” and to make it the foundation of the modern nation.
 As a symbol of this, Natsume Soseki was “called up” to the University of Tokyo, the only institution of higher learning in Japan, and was also ordered to stay in London to create “literature” as part of the national will. In this book, Mr. Shiba explores the inner lives of these Meiji predecessors. The “Meiji Melancholy.”
 This is how Japan became a “modern nation” in the Meiji period.
 However, this was not the only time. In ancient times, the Jomon period, which had formed a leading-edge cultural society in one of the richest climates in the world, experienced a revolution in the development of language itself when it came under the baptism of the “Black Ships”-like civilization revolution with the establishment of the “Ritsuryo State” on the Chinese continent.
 I am beginning to be motivated by this realization.
 It is from this perspective that I have come to be fascinated by the title of this book, “Names of Persons”. I am completely knocked out by the names of these women in the Kojiki (laughs). I have learned that she, the wife of Niniginomikoto, is the origin of the word “sakuya,” which eventually became a symbol of Japanese culture, “sakura. More than that, however, I am overwhelmingly impressed by the sense of sound, the frankness and simplicity with which it is expressed.
 I feel that her name expresses, to the utmost limit, the sense of the original Japanese language and the “spirit” of the people who have lived in the archipelago with its climatic climate.
 I believe that the joy of this cultural society is condensed in its splendor. Such a strong feeling has not left my mind for a moment. I may be in trouble (laugh).



English version⬇

[Wooden house in the 1907’s, traces of a desperate metal “noncombustible” exterior wall.
The “Kojiki” is the result of the work to record and preserve the written records of the early days of the Japanese language. Is this an architectural challenge by the descendants who sought to preserve a record of their ancestors’ labor? …

This house was the home of the family of Nobunaga Motoya, who thoroughly researched the “Chronicles of Japan” during the Edo period. It has been relocated and preserved in the castle park in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture. The house used to be built in the city, but at the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912), a huge fire broke out in Matsusaka, and the descendants of the ancestor, Nobunaga Motoya, who devoted his life to researching “Kojiki,” the core history of the Japanese people, felt threatened that all the precious materials were preserved in this house. They thought that it should be preserved for the sake of the people, and as a result, it was moved from the city to the castle area for preservation.
 This is the history of this building.
 I myself have a special feeling for the “Kojiki,” the first written record of a people. It is said that the Jomon-derived archipelago people, who did not have a written language, had their own unique record of oral traditions. The oldest history of the archipelago was compiled on the basis of the discourses of Hieda-Arei and other sources as oral traditions. It is said that the oldest history of the archipelago was recorded using imported written Chinese characters. As someone who has worked in the media, I have a special interest in the Kojiki. I understand that during the time of the Kojiki, the Japanese people were seriously engaged in the “creation of the Japanese language. The work of Mr. Nobunaga Hon’i, who unearthed the Kojiki as the original source of the Japanese language, which was of little interest in the Edo period, is truly a work that makes me deeply bow in admiration.
 The photo below shows the exterior wall of the Hon’i family’s residence. As I looked at it in detail, I noticed a mysterious silvery-white surface appearing in the crevices of the “cedar cypress bark thatch” material. After a bit of touching, it was confirmed that it was a tin metal plate as its base of cedar cypress bark.
 According to the records, it was moved and preserved here in the late Meiji period. In those years, there would have been no such standard as “noncombustibility of the outer skin of the house. It is a fact that the Edo Shogunate forced people to change from thatched roofs to tiled roofs in urbanized areas as “noncombustibility of roofs. However, this building may have been an experimental, cutting-edge exploration of construction methods to make the exterior walls noncombustible.
 It is true that covering the exterior skin with metal plates may have had a certain effect on fire prevention.
 However, it is not clear whether they really did that much at the end of the Meiji period. When we asked the museum staff about this, they told us that they had no information on this point. However, it is certain that the Hon’i family had a strong intention to make the building “nonflammable” as a measure for its permanent preservation, based on the experience of the Great Matsusaka Fire. If this is the case, then it is likely that the cedar cypress bark overlaid on the metal tin exterior walls was done out of consideration for “design” as well.
 At this point, we have only been able to confirm the intentions of the Honyi family and the fact that a metal material like tin was used as the base of the exterior walls of the actual house.




English version⬇

The “Buddhist Land” philosophy of the Oshu Fujiwara clan in medieval Japan
I went to the Tokyo Museum to see the Chuson-ji Konjikido exhibition, but there was a huge line. I was disappointed and happy, but I felt like a “mixed bag. I told them that I would see the oriental Buddhist statues, so they should all see it. I was so excited.

Continuing on from yesterday’s “Buddhist Statues” blog, I would like to talk about Chuson-ji Temple, which was on display at the Tokyo National Museum until the other day.
 The northern part of Japan is often referred to as “Hokkaido-Tohoku” in the common sense of Japanese society, but while Hokkaido is characterized as the region where Japan’s sense of national defense emerged after the Meiji period, I think that the rise and fall of the Oshu Fujiwara clan was symbolic of the Tohoku region’s relationship with the center of the country.
 In the history of Japan, it is rare to find a “local government” as independent as the Hiraizumi government. The Hiraizumi administration can be understood as the pioneer of the regional governments of the Warring States period, and it was a concrete example of the “independent power” of the Kamakura administration. The fact that such a semi-independent regime was recognized by the central government and was able to exist is probably due in large part to its founder, Fujiwara no Kiyohira, who highly advocated the peaceful ideology of practicing the “Buddha Land” philosophy.
 It seems that the Fujiwaras, while utilizing the “same family name” as the central aristocratic Fujiwara clan, also made Japanese society more accepting of their independent color by creating a concrete golden paradise in Hiraizumi.
 Chuson-ji Konjikido was at the center of the Tohoku region at the time when I was working all over the region, and it was a geographical place that would suddenly arise in my mind wherever I was going. I thought, “Let’s stop by for a while.
 So I remember that I visited there quite often. Maybe not two or three times. Konjikido is located near the end of the main approach to the temple, with the impressive Noh stage to the far right. Looking up from the dedicated approach to the temple, the building itself, which you reach while looking up from the approach to the temple, is decorated with gold, which is a divine sight.
 When I heard that an exhibition of Chuson-ji Konjikido was to be held at the Tokyo National Museum, I was somewhat surprised, saying, “Oh, they couldn’t possibly bring that building. Apparently, a group of Buddhist statues in the inner sanctuary will be exhibited. As someone who has ties to the Tohoku region, I was more than a little concerned about the level of interest that people from all over Japan and Tokyo would have in the museum.
 However, when I actually went to the exhibition, I found a huge line of “limited admission” (!). I was surprised to see the line of people waiting to enter the exhibition. I was surprised and pleased to see that the line had already been long for two hours, even though I arrived not long after the doors opened. I remember that I myself have seen these statues several times, so this time I gave up and let the Tokyo visitors have their chance (laugh). So I gave up this time and let the people of Tokyo have the opportunity to see the statues (laugh).
 But just as I was moving from the Heiseikan to the Honkan, the “NHK/8K Exhibition” was being held, and although I was standing in the audience, I was able to take pictures as you can see.
 Although this blog is mostly about Buddhist statues (laugh), the two statues of Mochikokuten above seem to me to tell the story of the establishment of Hiraizumi as a result of the war.




English version⬇

The expressions on the faces of Buddhist statues, and the differences between Asians that I suddenly notice.
Since visiting the Great Buddha of Asuka, I have been fascinated by the way the creator of the statue, Buddhist monk Tori, looks at human beings. I have been thinking about the differences and similarities in the expressions of world religions and Buddhist statues. I am also fascinated by the differences and commonalities in the expression of Buddhist statues of world religions.

As I get older, I want to get closer and closer to the world of Buddhism (laugh). My wife’s parents have a Buddhist altar at their home, so I pay my respects there every time I go there, because I can recite the Heart Sutra, which I have practiced at least the rudiments of the Buddhist Way (laugh). I am selfish enough not to ask about the difference in “Namu…” due to some differences in religious sects, but as a sentient being, I believe that I can be forgiven for this.
 I came to be able to recite the Heart Sutra when my siblings and I took turns reciting the “Sengan Shinkyou” after the death of our parents. More than 30-40 years have passed since then and I have not forgotten it. I believe that making it a habit again would also be gratifying in terms of preventing the aging of my memory.
 So, my interest has been growing in this direction without my knowing it, and I am gradually becoming more and more interested in the expressions on the faces of “Buddhist statues”.
 The Toyokan (Asian Gallery) of the Tokyo National Museum exhibits Buddhist statues from around the world, and recently I had the opportunity to “compare and contrast” them psychologically for the first time.
 The top one is from China, and below it I have added a detailed description of its background. Please check the names of the regions in China. The top one is from China, and below it is a detailed description of the region. On the other hand, below them are Buddha images from Southeast Asia and Korea. The faces of the Southeast Asian Buddha images clearly resemble the expressions of the local people.
 I was frankly impressed by the difference in facial expressions.
 This is a matter of personal taste, so I hope you will accept it as I do.
 I think that Buddhist statues are something that express the creator’s mental image of the statue as it is. I have been fascinated by the expressions of the Asuka Daibutsu (Great Buddha) and the main image of Horyuji Temple, which I admired so much that I have since become addicted to appreciating the expressions on the faces of Buddhist statues.

This is Asuka Daibutsu (Great Buddha) made by Buddhist priest Shuri. I believe that he was commissioned to create the main image of Horyuji Temple in the same period. I imagine that he must have met with the client and interviewed him about his wishes. It would be natural that the client and his image would be “reflected” in the creation of the statue as an afterimage. If we think of it in terms of probability, we can also feel the afterimage of Prince Shotoku.
 Considering the fact that the process of production would have been the same in each region of Asia, there is no doubt that the circumstances and climate of each region would be reflected in the expression of the Buddha statues.
 Since Buddhism is a world religion, it is quite natural that we can compare and contrast the cultures of different regions. Sometimes I look at this group of photos and enjoy the historical time.
 Oh, no, I am getting closer and closer to the Pure Land world (laugh)…


 「家整」と書いたけれど、これはたぶん「修身斉家」というような意味合いとも重なるようなわたしの実感的な新語であります。修身斉家とは、〜自分の行いを修め正して、家庭をととのえ治めること。 ▽「斉」はととのえ治める意。「身を修め家を斉のう」と訓読する。 儒教の基本的な政治観を表す「修身、斉家、治国、平天下」(身を修め、家庭をととのえ、国を治め、天下を平和に導く)の中の語。〜

English version⬇

To “arrange” a house to make it easy to use.
The key to renovation of existing houses is to make use of the architecture in a rational and usable way, going back and forth between “house arrangement” and “house management”. This is also the key to remodeling existing houses. I am sure this is the key to remodeling existing houses as well.

More than two weeks have passed since we started to organize our house as a second home, which we had not been able to start since the death of my mother-in-law.
 During this period, we have visited a facility called “Shredding Center” in Sapporo City more than 7-8 times to bring in large household garbage, and we have also visited a facility specializing in glassware and ceramics twice. We have also been to a disposal facility specializing in glassware and ceramics twice. The initial “meeting” was fraught with confusion, and the couple had a heated fight, but things are now somewhat more peaceful (laughs).
 Well, when changing the current situation, it is absolutely necessary to have a rough “policy,” and according to that policy, the purpose of space use is determined, and the point where the ease of use is reached can be shared among the household members. In any case, it is important to first set a basic goal of decluttering.
 As we make more and more progress, we realize how important it is to organize the house in such a way that it is the “key” to the “atmosphere and atmosphere of the house. To put it another way, I am reminded of the decisive influence of this “house arrangement” on house construction and design.
 I wrote “家整”, but this is a new word that I have come to realize may also mean “shumin sai ke” (to train oneself and one’s family). Shushin sai jia” means to correct one’s own conduct and to set up and govern one’s family. The “Qi” means to control and govern. The word “qi” means to control and govern. The word “qi” is used to express the basic Confucian political philosophy of “shujin, qijie, jiguo, pingtianxia” (to discipline oneself, discipline one’s family, govern the nation, and bring peace to the world). ~.
 On the other hand, the well-known “domestic science” is a study that pursues the improvement of all aspects of life from a scientific perspective, focusing on clothing, food, and shelter. 〜The two are the same.
 When I actually experience it, I think I am going back and forth between these two words.
 It is my intuition, but I think that when the choice to buy an existing house, renovate it, and live in it becomes a majority choice to some extent, this new area of analytical elements for housing will have to come into the picture.
 How can we make the existing living space comfortable and easy to use? This is, of course, a very specific area.
 Of course, this is a very specific and individualized strategy, so I am not sure if it is possible to create a common language.
 It is a strange feeling, but it is interesting to see the subtle changes in the couple’s relationship when they are engaged in this kind of “home organization” work. We went to a nearby supermarket to do some errands, and I said to myself, “It’s like we’re back in our honeymoon days.
 We shared the feeling that we were back to our honeymoon days (laugh).
 (Laughs.) After a big fight between the couple, I was freshly surprised to see such unexpected “results” when we started to work.
 Now, I wonder if we can make this kind of thing into a common language?



 内容については動画本編をごらんいただきたいのですが、一応は「家づくりの知識:北海道住宅は最先端 ⁉ 知ればわかる未来の本州の家」というテーマ骨子。北海道の住宅性能向上は少なくとも30〜50年以上の経験知の蓄積の結果であり、そもそもそれを強く希求するユーザーの存在があって住宅を巡る「産・官・学」総体として実現してきた一種の「地域運動」。地域住宅メディアとしては、そういった地域総体の運動と「協働」すると言う立場で、その息吹を伝えてきたと思っています。

English version⬇

[First appearance in a YouTuve video… I’m so embarrassed (laughs).
What’s the point of being embarrassed now (laughs)? I am the one in the video and I am the one who observes, so there are many things I can notice. … .

At a recent housing event in Tokyo, Mr. Sagami, the president of Organic Studio Niigata, an old acquaintance of mine, asked me to “appear on YouTuve, Mr. Miki,” and was filmed near the venue. The content of the video was left entirely up to Mr. Sagami, as it was all about his own interests. Here is the video that was filmed.
Organic Studio Niigata is a member of Shinjyukyo, and I have had the opportunity to interact with them on various occasions, and I have also visited them at their office, and they have visited our company several times. In short, I know them well, and I am not sure how a person like me can be of any help to them with this kind of video expression, but I respectfully (and with a sense of resignation) accept their offer.
 However, due to changes in my position and other factors, I have been interested in YouTuve videos, but I have not had the opportunity or inclination to actively use them. In that sense, I was invited by Organic Studio Niigata, which has made considerable achievements in the field of video, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to observe their advanced utilization “how to do it”.
 The video is entitled “Knowledge of House Building: Hokkaido Housing is Cutting-Edge⁉ The Future of Honshu Houses”. The improvement of housing performance in Hokkaido is the result of at least 30 to 50 years of accumulated experience and knowledge, and it is a kind of “regional movement” that has been realized through the collective efforts of “industry, government, and academia” surrounding housing due to the existence of users who strongly desire it. As a regional housing media outlet, we have been “collaborating” with such a regional movement and have been conveying the spirit of the movement to the public.
 On the other hand, in the Honshu region, at the moment, leading regional builders and some housebuilders are beginning to “lead” the industry as a whole.
 For these leading builders, I believe they are in the process of exploring the direction of NEXT, which goes beyond housing performance. The main topics in the video are the aspirations of Hokkaido’s leading builders, and how users will move in a market where housing performance has become a “standard”.
 In my opinion, one point of view is the contrast between Scandinavia and Germany.
 I think that Hokkaido is not aiming for numerical “improvement” as Germany does, but rather, the development of housing in a more humanistic direction is desired as a “human rights” element, which is a common feeling in Scandinavia.
 First of all, I am embarrassed to say, but I would be happy if you could take a look at my video debut (laughs).